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September Hall of Fame

Written by BRBN
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Every month we recognise our valued members for their contribution to the group and celebrate our successes.

Special recognition to Pal Juvancz from PCPals as our most valued member. Pal was the backbone of the group through Covid, and was the driving force for keeping us together adn brining us out the other side, stronger and more supportive as a group.

brbn growing colour

Septmber Figures

Closed Business:$98,999

Financial Year to Date:$740,119

Internal Referrals: 44

External Referrals: 87

Total Referals for September: 131


Member Recognition

Most Internal Referrals

Sharon Simeon

Sharon Simeon

All Safe Insurance

Most External Referrals

Debbie Whitaker

Debbie Whitaker

Gateway Auto Rentals

Most Overall Referrals

Sharon Simeon

Sharon Simeon

All Safe Insurance

Most Valued Member

Pal Juvancz profile

Pal Juvanc


Supporting Local Businesses

Bayside Redland Business Network is a local business referral group, supporting local business and local community groups. We only allow one member from each catagory, and if your business catagory is not filled, then we would welcome you as a guest visitor before you commit to joining.